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Detention Facility & CCW

Benton County Sheriff's Office

Detention And CCW

The Benton County Detention Facility is under the leadership and direction of Captain John Snyder. The Jail Division is staffed by 4 Sergeants and 14 Correctional Officers and 4 full-time Transport Officers.

All persons who are arrested and taken into custody are transported to the Detention Facility for booking and incarceration. The Detention Facility is divided into separate housing areas for male detainees, female detainees, and isolation cells. The Detention Facility houses both pre-trial detainees and post-conviction inmates who are serving sentences or waiting transport to the Missouri Department of Corrections.

Each member of the Detention Staff is required to complete a minimum of forty hours of state approved detention training. Continued education and training is also required.

If you are interested in joining our family please click on the link at the bottom of this page. Download and fill it out completely. Bring it by or mail the completed original to our office located at 1620 East Main Street Warsaw, MO 65355.


Frequently Asked Questions (Detention)

Q-What is the physical address of the Benton County Detention Facility?      

A-1620 E. Main St. Warsaw, MO 65355

Q-What is the mailing address of the Benton County Detention Facility?

A-1620 E. Main St. Warsaw, MO 65355

Q-How do I send mail to a detainee?

A-The detainee's name should be on the front of the envelope under the mailing address. All mail except legal mail is opened and checked for contraband before delivery to detainee. Legal mail is opened in front of the detainee.

Q-What is the phone number to the Detention Facility?


Q-How do I put money on a detainee's account?

A-Log into and follow the prompts to deposit money into their individual accounts.

Q-Can I send pictures to detainee's?

A-Yes, up to 6 photo's can be mailed to the Detention Facility, no polaroid's.

Q-How can I visit a detainee?

A-Visitation is Sunday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and  7:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 - 10:45 p.m.

If visitor is on probation and/or parole, they must have written permission from probation/parole officer before they can visit.

Juveniles must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian.

Q-How do I order commissary for a detainee?

A-Commissary can be ordered online at

You must select:

Create an account and add funds to give a gift for a detainee.

Q-How can I stop unwanted calls from a detainee?

A-Contact the Detention Facility.

Q-How do I find out when a detainee has court?

A-Contact the Benton County Circuit Court at 660-438-7712 or Missouri Case Net


Carry Concealed Weapons Permits

First time CCW applications are $100.00 cash for the permit and background check. Renewals are $50.00 cash. Permits are valid for five years.  All applications are processed  Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 8:30 to 3:30. Excluding holidays. All applicants need to make an appointment by calling (660)-438-6135. 

Required items for first time CCW application

  1. Missouri Firearm Safety Instructor Qualification Form/Certificate of Firearm Training Course
  2. Current driver's license (If your driver's license does NOT have your current Benton County address, please provide a piece of mail to verify that you reside in Benton County.)
  3. Cash

Required items for CCW Renewal

  1. Current CCW Permit
  2. Current driver's license (If your driver's license does NOT have your current Benton County address, please provide a piece of mail to verify that you reside in Benton County.)
  3. Cash

 Fees & Payments

$10.00 Fee for Change of Address/Lost or Stolen Card/Name Change

Late renewals past the first thirty days are charged at $10.00 per month up to six month.

We accept cash only and you must have the exact amount.

$100.00 fee is an application fee only. It is not a guarantee of issuance of a concealed and carry permit.

If you have any questions call 660-438-6135. For concealed carry endorsements, application requirements--approval procedures--issuance of certificates, when--record-keeping requirements--fees. Refer to Missouri revised statute 571.101 through 571.121.


Detention Staff



BCSO Application for Employment Packet.pdf